You will learn best practices in business development from well-known entrepreneurial speakers from Europe and Asia
Mario Brühlmann
Mario Brühlmann, founder of Swiss Consulting Group and Swiss Create (Switzerland)
Alina Andriuță
BusinessConsultant, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Book Author. The persone who has developed over 350 sales departments in companies in Moldova and Romania. (Moldova)
Ikhtiyor Alimov
CEO & Co founder weare.uz. The founder of WeAre, an educational startup. More than 8 years of experience in sales management! Served as Head of Sales Singapore Consulting Company Jowi.club (Uzbekistan)
Corneliu Său
Entrepreneur and founder of TANDEM (Moldova)
Igor Prisac
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Igor Prisac, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Foreign Languages UDG, and Director of Advanced Consulting (Moldova)
Marianna Melnic
Mariana Melnic, CEO & Founder Mari Media Agency, with over 10 years of experience in entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing. (Moldova)
Alexandru Căpăţînă
Professor, Business Coach and Solopreneur (Romania)
Eurasian Business Conference is the third event of its kind organized in the Republic of Moldova and in the region which meets speakers, business people, students, professors and people with social initiatives from Eurasia.
Attend a unique event where you will learn how to lead through values.
8.30 - 9.00
9.00 - 11.00
Plenary session. Part 1
Mario Brühlmann (Switzerland) – Resilience in the professional career. What personal competences resist disruptive factors and how are they systematically developed?
PhD Gheorghe Mihailov (Moldova) – Vocational Training Program (VTP of proFilios): the Swiss Experience in the Community and Business Development of Moldova
11.00 - 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.30
Plenary session. Part 2
PhD Alexandru Căpăţână (Romania) – Opportunities to Develop the employees’ intrapreneural skills
Ikhtiyor Alimov (Uzbekistan) – Creation of adaptation programs for employees in a crisis
PhD Igor Prisac (Moldova) – Developing Mentorship Programs – a Reliable Strategy for the Employees’ Growth and Companies’ Success
13.30 - 14.30
14.30 - 15.30
Talk Show – Ask the Expert
15.30 - 16.00
Coffee Break
16.00 - 18.20
1. Workshop: Developing teams and employees’ skills
- Alina Andriuţă (Moldova) – Developing Sales Skills of Entrepreneurs and Employees
- Corneliu Său (Moldova/România) – Developing teams and the employees’ skill
- Marianna Melnic (Moldova) – Developing Competencies in Digital Marketing
2. Scientific Workshop: Management Models and Approaches in HR and Competences Development
- PhD, Assoc. Prof. Alexandru Сăpăţână / George Schin (România) – Exploring the precursors of the intrapreneurial behaviors of managers of public institutions
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Maria Hămuraru / Balmuş-Adone Mihaela (Moldova) – Employee performance management as a prerequisite for ensuring the sustainability of organization
PhD Artur Golban (Moldova) – Human Resources – an essential element for a strong AML/Compliance program
Univ. lecturer Andrei Munteanu (Moldova) – Educational, research and HR policies for international economic integration of expected quality
Univ. lecturer Tatiana Stukalova (Moldova) – Knowledge management in small and medium-sized enterprises – a way of increasing their competitiveness
Thanks to everyone who was with us, see you next time! 👋